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And at some point you stop looking for 'who' but rather 'how'.

How their eyes sparkle when they feel joy,

How their lips feel against yours,

How their cheeks crinkle gleefully,

How you can feel their sadness as soon as they walk into the room,

How cold the room feels when they leave,

How your heart skips whenever you hear their steps, because you've learnt to recognise them,

How they react to certain emotions,

How they get so lost in thought they misplace things--or even themselves in the wrong room.

How their sweet sound of joy reverberates through your soul, making your body feel tingly with emotions,

How the world stops when their arms surround you,

How the same physical gesture can hold so many feelings,

How your bodies fit together like pieces in a puzzle,

How their eyes are curtains to the world you inevitably loose yourself in; and how at the end of the day, the grand drape closes--leaving you a keen spectator, looking forward to the next day, when your favourite play will resume.

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